Monday, October 28, 2013


Samaritan’s Heart is committed to promote community development in the very remote countries of Haiti. We are working with the people of these communities to fight against poverty in Haiti and encourage community development.

Dinise is the first community we work in. In this community, our primary assessment showed an absence of education. There were no school, no church… almost nothing is going on down there.  Now, in partnership with Second Baptist Church of Liberty Missouri, Samaritan’s Heart is working to the development of this community. The following building is now available for the people, in particular the children of this community. Joy----- Excitments--- are the words using to express the emotion of the parents, kids, all the people living there. Now the children can pass from tarps to a wonderful infrastructure--- not yet finished but …. We keep believing in God who started with this task to finish it.

In the name of the children, parents, the leaders of Dinise, we want to express all our gratitude to Second Baptist Church for his continued supports to this community. We also are grateful to the individuals who somehow contribute to make it happened. Yes, together, we can and we will make it in the name of Christ Jesus.

Monday, August 26, 2013


The Construction of the temple in Dinise is on progress. God has revealed so gracious the people of this community that not only we are building a school for the children to receive the bread of instruction, we also are building a temple for them to worship the living God.

We are not alone on this journey, Our Lord is with us. He has called His precious children from the Second Baptist Church and Points on the Wheel of Missouri to be behind of School. We are so happy to announce that before the school started in Haiti, we will be able to post the school of Dinise with a roof just because the generous supports of Second Baptist Church and Samaritan's Heart. We are praising God for this strong partnership!

At the other hand, another church from Korea, the Presbyterian Church of Koerea (PCK) to support the costs for the temple.

A great thanks to our donors, but all the glory is to God who makes it happened!

If you belong to the living God and have money, please come and let's make a difference in remote areas of Haiti. Together, we can preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in a practical way. Yes, together,we can impact lives and gain them for Jesus.

With temple and school for the new generation of the community of Dinise, I see the dream of God for Dinise about to come true! Together, we can!

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Our non-governmental organization SAMARITAN’S HEART wishes to obtain a development partnership with people of goodwill, organizations dealing with community development issues (like agriculture, live stocks, hygiene and sanitation, water purification systems, community mobilization…) and children living in poverty, awareness against HIV AIDS and/or other association which are interested in the humanitarian. We would like to get in touch with you to figure out how we might all meet the needs of the needy, because there's more joy in giving than in receiving.

Our partner in Missouri: Second Baptist Church and Points on the Wheels are helping with the school of Dinise, one of the very remote countries of the Northwest/ Haiti. They are making a huge difference down there. Samaritan’s Heart’s main goal is to go from the community to communities to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ thru actions and practices. Please, come as a team, for together, can achieve more for the glory of God and the wellbeing of the direct beneficiaries!


Ici l'organisation non gouvernementale de développement voudrait obtenir un partenariat avec les hommes de bonne volonté, les organismes qui s'occupent des enfants abandonnés, de la sensibilisation contre le VIH SIDA et de tout autre association qui s'intéresserait à l’humanitaire, d’entrer en contact afin de voir ensemble comment pourrait-on subvenir aux besoins de ces nécessiteux, car il y a de la joie de donner qu'à recevoir.

 Nos partenaires a Missouri : La deuxième église baptiste de Missouri et Points on the Wheels, à travers un partenariat solide, aide Cœur du Samaritain (COSA) à construire une école dans la communauté de Dinise dans le Nord-Ouest / Haïti. Par cette construction, nous faisons une très grande différence dans cette communauté. Notre but est d’aller de communauté en communauté pour prêcher l’évangile de Jésus-Christ à travers des actions concrètes et de manière pratique. Je  vous prierais de venir nous joindre comme une équipe. Car ensemble, nous accomplirons beaucoup mieux, pour la seule gloire de Dieu et pour le plus grand bien des bénéficiaires.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013


We are making huge progress with the school building in Dinise.

God has blessed us with friends like the Points on the Wheels and the the Second Baptist Church of Missouri to share our vision for this community and provide to help accomplished the dream of God for this community. God dreams that the children of Dinise are as educated as people of every nations for they are made of His image and are precious for God.

Points on the Wheels and the Second Baptist Church of Missouri are two potential partners of the Samaritan's Heart to pursue community development in Dinise. Our first step development for this community is the construction of a 7 rooms school for about 150 children who are now receiving instruction under a tarp. We are now at our second step in the construction which is the body totally built. We now are waiting the Lord's provision to cover the roof. You can pray and/ or support this ministry toward the poor in the very remote country of Haiti.

Jesus told us that by giving to the "least" in this world, we give to Him.

The Community of Dinise needs grow greater every day and God is opening many doors of opportunity here at home town and around Haiti. However, only with your support can Samaritan’s Heart respond to these hurting people. Thanks!
Every gift counts and makes it possible to share Jesus with more hurting people here in Dinise and around Haiti.
Please become a partner/ a sponsor of the Samaritan’s Heart  or renew your pledge with 2nd Baptist church and the Points on the Wheels, so together we can bring help and a message of hope to those who need it most.

Saturday, October 27, 2012



Samaritan's Heart mission is to fight against poverty, whatever its form. Therefore, priority actions include:
- Education
- Continuing education and professional
- Community Mobilization,
- Health, nutrition and hygiene,
- Combating communicable diseases, STDs and HIV / AIDS.
- Finance, research and development partnerships,
- Communication and marketing
- Culture and sports
- Education for peace
- Entrepreneurship solidarity and sustainable development,
- Promotion of the rights and child protection,
- Development of child
- Promotion of citizenship, Citizenship and good governance.
- Promotion of poultry, agriculture and livestock
- Promotion of treated water
- Construction of schools and churches
Le Coeur du Samaritain se donne pour mission de lutter contre la pauvrete, quelque soit sa forme. De ce fait, ses actions prioritaires sont les suivantes:

- Education
-  Formation continue et professionnelle
- Mobilisation Communautaire,
- Santé, nutrition et hygiène,
- Combattre les maladies contagieuses, les MST et le VIH/SIDA.
- Finances, Recherche et développement de partenariats,
- Communication et marketing,
- Culture et sport,
- Education à la paix,
- Entreprenariat solidaire et développement durable,
- Promotion des droits et de la protection de l’enfant,
- Developpement d'enfant
- Promotion de la citoyenneté, du Civisme et de la bonne gouvernance.
- Promotion de l'aviculture, l'agriculture et Elevage 
- Promotion de l'eau traitee
-  Construction d'ecoles et d'eglises


" SAMARITAN’s HEART exists as the voice of the voiceless in the Haitian communities, providing education, health care, social programs, community development and appropriate technology, both the transmission and use of skills and habilities to people who are willing to put forth the efforts and desire to become independent
"Restore neglected communities through education, self-confidence and self-sufficiency and technology in the name of Jesus"
Promote the well-being of vulnerable people in general and children in particular by assisting among others in the areas of protection and development of early childhood, health care, nutrition, education and training, entrepreneurship and microfinance solidarity, sanitation and improved quality of life, etc.;

Contribute to the social emancipation, economic and cultural life of its members, individually and collectively, through the promotion of local development in their communities of intervention.

SAMARITAN'S HEART has the following objectives:
1. Facilitate and promote community development in Haiti by establishing infrastructure for building churches, schools and others.
2. Community mobilization in rural areas of the country.
3. Promote professional training and as an indispensable tool to eradicate poverty in the communities.
4. Promote child development.
5. Contribute to health and well-being individually and collectively in Haiti.
6. Combat infectious diseases, STDs and HIV / AIDS.
7. Encourage agriculture and poultry in rural areas of the country.
 Mission, Vision, Buts et Objectifs de l’organisation

Declaration de Mission :
« CŒUR DU SAMARITAIN  existe comme  la voix des sans voix , leur offrant de l'éducation, des soins de santé, des programmes sociaux, le développement communautaire et les technologies appropriées, aussi bien la transmission et l’emploi des compétences à des gens qui sont prêts à mettre en avant l'effort et le désir de devenir autonomes»

Declaration de Vision :
« Restaurer des communautés négligées par l’éducation, la confiance en soi et l’autosuffisance et la technologie au nom de Jésus. »

But :
CŒUR DU SAMARITAIN a pour but de :

Promouvoir le bien-être des personnes vulnérables en général et celui des enfants en particulier en les assistant entre autres dans les domaines de la protection et le développement de la petite enfance, de la santé-nutrition, de l’éducation et la formation, de l’entreprenariat solidaire et la microfinance, de l’assainissement et l’amélioration du cadre de vie, etc;

 Contribuer à l’émancipation sociale, économique et culturelle de ses membres, au plan individuel et collectif, par la promotion du développement local dans leurs communautés d’intervention.

Objectifs spécifiques : Le Cœur du Samaritain poursuit les objectifs suivants :

1.    Promouvoir et Faciliter le développement communautaire en Haïti en établissant des infrastructures en matière de construction d’Eglises, d’écoles et autres.

2.    Mobilisation communautaire dans les zones rurales du pays.

3.     Promouvoir la formation continue et professionnelle comme outil indispensable pour éradiquer la pauvreté dans les communautés.

4.    Promouvoir le développement d’enfant.

5.    Contribuer a la sante et au bien être individuel et collectif en Haïti.

6.    Combattre les maladies contagieuses, les MST et le VIH/SIDA.

7.    Encourager l’agriculture et l’aviculture dans les zones rurales du pays.